Mastering the Art of Traditional Media for Modern Success

In a rapidly evolving media landscape, The Ward Group continues to excel in traditional media services, offering a blend of classic strategies and innovative approaches. After all, we’ve been buying media since rabbit ears were high-tech! With 40 years of experience, we have deep roots in traditional media channels and understand how to harness their power for maximum reach and impact.

television media buying

In the realm of TV and video media, The Ward Group excels at elevating brands to leadership positions through strategic linear TV media buying, including cable, to ensure impactful brand visibility. We excel at honing in on specific geographic areas and selecting TV programs that align with your target audience, effectively reducing wasted impressions and extending your reach.

While our foundation is in traditional linear TV's expansive reach, we enhance our strategies by integrating Advanced TV options such as streaming, connected TV (CTV), over-the-top (OTT) services, and video on demand (VOD). This combination allows us to meet your audience wherever they are, at their most receptive moments and locations, and allows us to deliver a holistic and effective media buying strategy that covers all bases.

terrestrial radio media buying

Audio, especially radio, remains a powerful marketing medium for connecting with an engaged audience. The Ward Group has four decades of experience in placing radio media buys, leveraging terrestrial radio's extensive reach to target audiences based on geography, age, gender, and genre, ensuring your message resonates with listeners.

And understanding how today’s audiences consume audio, we also like to include the intimacy of streaming options and podcasts whenever possible to intercept consumers wherever they may be listening.

Print Media Buying

Print advertising, with its tangible characteristics and intentional consumption, continues to be an effective medium for many brands. The Ward Group brings years of expertise in navigating newspapers, magazines, and direct mail. We focus on creative, believable, and relevant ads, seen by the right audience in the right publications. Our team ensures that print is the right choice for reaching your target audience and meeting your objectives.

Out-of-Home Media Buying

Out-of-home advertising - from billboards to transit ads, from painted wallscapes to digital displays - offers high visual impact and local traffic-driving capabilities. The Ward Group has utilized this traditional advertising vehicle with mastery, ensuring brands stand out in public places. We consider location, consumer interaction, creative execution, and other factors to make OOH a compelling consideration for your media strategy.

Ready to put traditional media to work for you? Contact The Ward Group today, and let's craft a media strategy that resonates with your audience and amplifies your brand's message to leverage the power of traditional media with a modern twist.

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